Sunday Worship 10/03/24

Joint Service 04/03/24

We are joining with our friends at St. Margaret’s Restalrig and Leith St. Andrew’s for our monthly joint worship.

This month we are at St. Margaret’s and the service starts at 10.30am, everyone is welcome.

March Magazine

Sunday Worship 25/02/24

Sunday Worship 18/02/24

Sunday Worship 11/02/24

Joint Service 04/02/24

We will be joining with our friends from Leith. Andrew’s and St. Margaret’s Restalrig for a joint service at Leith St. Andrew’s at 11am.

You can watch the service here

Holy Communion 28/01/24

February Magazine

Open Doorway 25/01/23

The Open Doorway will be open next on Thursday 25 January from 10.30am to 12 noon for chat, refreshments or quiet time, everyone is welcome.