Sunday Worship 14/08/22

Click on the image below to view the service on Facebook

Sunday Worship 07/08/22

Sunday Worship 31/07/22

Sunday Worship 24/07/22

You can watch the service on Facebook by clicking the image below

Sunday Worship 17/07/22

You can watch the service on Facebook by clicking on the image below

Sunday Worship 10/07/22

Facebook is incorrectly flagging our video for copyright violations so we can’t embed it directly here.

You can watch the video (on Facebook) by clicking on the image below

Sunday Worship 03/07/22

This video is not available for embedding but you can watch it online by clicking the image below.

Amazon Smile

If you shop Amazon Prime Day deals on 12 & 13 July, Amazon will double donations:

Simply shop with AmazonSmile ON in the Amazon Shopping app or at, and AmazonSmile donates to Edinburgh: Pilrig St Paul’s Parish Church of Scotland.

Sunday Worship 26/06/22

Due to illness we will not be able to hold our service in Sunday.
We are invited to join with our friends at Leith: St. Andrew’s church at the foot of Easter Road on Sunday at 11am

Sunday Worship 19/06/22