Sunday Worship 11/12/22

Sunday Worship 27/11/22

First Sunday in Advent

Guest preacher Rev. Matthew Bickett


We’re unable to embed the broadcast of the service due to a spurious copyright claim but the link points to the event recording in Facebook which you should be able to watch.

Sorry for the glitch with the sound, no audio until 2.48

December Magazine


You can download a PDF of the magazine here -> PSP 202212

Sunday Worship 20/11/22

There will be no service at Pilrig St. Paul’s on 20th November.

We will be worshipping with our friends at Leith St. Andrew’s church.
Please enter by the hall door on Lochend Road.
The service starts at 11am.

The service will be conducted by Rev. Ron Smith.

The video will be available on their Facebook page

Remembrance Sunday

The service starts at 10.50am to allow us to join in with the National Act of Remembrance at 11am.

Sunday Worship 06/11/22

November Magazine

Holy Communion 30/10/22

Sunday Worship 23/10/22

Sunday Worship 16/10/22